
[來源:www.fdrlp.com] [作者:網站建設] [日期:17-02-11] [瀏覽次數:]
一個搜索引擎友好的網站,應該方便搜索引擎檢索信息,并且返回的檢索信息讓用戶看起來有吸引力,這樣才能達到搜索引擎營銷的目的。為了說明什么是網站對搜索引擎友好,我們不妨看看對搜索引擎不友好的網站有哪些特征: A search engine friendly websites, should be convenient search engine information retrieval, and return to the retrieval of information allows users to look attractive, so as to achieve the goal of search engine marketing. To illustrate what is a web site to the search engine friendly, we might as well take a look at what are the characteristics of the search engines don't friendly sites: · 網頁中大量采用圖片或者Flash等Rich Media形式,沒有可以檢索的文本信息; , web pages in a large number of use the Rich Media forms, such as images or Flash without can retrieve text information; · 網頁沒有標題,或者標題中沒有包含有效的關鍵詞; Web page has no title, no effective keywords or title; · 網頁正文中有效關鍵詞比較少; Less effective in web page of text in the keywords; · 網站導航系統讓搜索引擎“看不懂”; Site navigation system for search engines, "don't understand"; · 大量動態網頁讓搜索引擎無法檢索; , a large number of dynamic web pages for search engines to retrieval; · 沒有被其他已經被搜索引擎收錄的網站提供的鏈接; , other have been included in the search engines provide links; · 網站中充斥大量欺騙搜索引擎的垃圾信息,如“過渡頁”、“橋頁”、顏色與背景色相同的文字等; A lot of deceit, the site in the search engine's garbage information, such as page "transition", "bridge" page, color and background color of the same text, etc.; · 網站中含有許多錯誤的鏈接。 Website contains many wrong link.


主站蜘蛛池模板: 阆中市| 香港| 凤冈县| 平塘县| 泰州市| 尚义县| 吴川市| 通许县| 睢宁县| 桐庐县| 盘锦市| 白玉县| 洞口县| 涪陵区| 汉源县| 桐梓县| 红安县| 灵台县| 垫江县| 建德市| 韶山市| 汤原县| 个旧市| 马山县| 高清| 昭通市| 九龙城区| 通化县| 衡阳县| 长宁县| 迭部县| 盘锦市| 宁都县| 安徽省| 泰州市| 杨浦区| 咸阳市| 丰台区| 德阳市| 车险| 德格县|