
[來源:www.fdrlp.com] [作者:網站建設] [日期:17-02-11] [瀏覽次數:]
百度搜索引擎在排名網站時,不僅要看網頁的信息相關度,同時也會考慮網站的聲望如何,比如外部鏈接有多少,網頁的點擊率有多高等等。因此一個內容充實的網站肯定會排在內容貧乏的網站前面。 In baidu search engine ranking sites, not only to look at the information relevance of web page, it will also consider how the popularity of the site, such as how many external links, how tall are page views and so on. So an informative website will definitely ahead of sterility website. 所謂搜索引擎優化(Search Engine Optimization,SEO),也就是針對各種搜索引擎的檢索特點,讓網頁設計適合搜索引擎的檢索原則(即搜索引擎友好),從而獲得搜索引擎收錄并在排名中靠前的各種行為。如對于基于META標簽檢索的搜索引擎,在META標簽中設置有效的關鍵詞和網站描述,對于以網頁內容相關性為主的蜘蛛型搜索引擎,則通過在網頁中增加關鍵詞的密度,或者專門為搜索引擎設計一個便于檢索的頁面(如sitemap.htm、roberts.txt)。搜索引擎優化是搜索引擎營銷的常見形式之一。 So-called SEO (Search Engine Optimization, SEO), which is according to the characteristics of all kinds of Search engines retrieve web design suitable to the Search Engine retrieval principle (i.e., Search Engine friendly), so as to get Search Engine indexes and the front of the various behaviors in the rankings. As for search engine based on META tags to retrieve, setting up effective keywords in the META tags and site description, to give priority to with web content relevance of search engine spiders type, by increase the density of keywords in the page, or specially designed for search engines to search page (such as a sitemap. HTM, Roberts. TXT). Search engine optimization (seo) is one of the most common form of the search engine marketing.


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