
[來源:www.fdrlp.com] [作者:網站建設] [日期:17-01-16] [瀏覽次數:]
營銷型網站利于搜索引擎優化 Marketing website for search engine optimization (seo)   眾所周知,目前想要網站排搜索引擎結果首頁,有兩種方法,一種是競價排名,按照點擊付費,成本高;另一種就是對網站進行SEO優化,提升網站的自然排名。而一個真正的營銷型網站對提高網站在自然排名是非常有幫助的。通常通過以下幾個方面實現: As is known to all, now want to web site search engine results page, there are two ways, one is bidding, according to the pay-per-click, high cost; Another is to SEO optimization, website promotion website natural rankings. And a real marketing type site it will be very helpful to improve the site in the natural ranking. Usually achieved by the following aspects:   1、前臺全部生成html靜態頁面 1, the front desk all the generated HTML static page   2、產品頁面生成權重比較高的目錄結構 2, the directory structure of a product page generation weight is higher   3、后臺自動生成xml格式的網站地圖 3, the background to automatically generate the sitemap XML format   4、并且通過后臺可以直接向各大搜索引擎提交。 4, and through the background can be directly submit to the major search engines.   5、每個頁面的title和meta標簽可以自定 5, each page title and meta tags can be customised   營銷型網站是企業鋪展網絡營銷渠道的關鍵,有建站需求的企業在選擇該類型網站時,首要問題是要明白其設計的關鍵點在什么地方,這樣才有利于打造真正的營銷型網站。 Marketing website is the key to spread out the network marketing channels, building a site needs the enterprise in the choice of the types of sites, first problem is to know where is the key point of the design, such ability is helpful to build the real marketing type site.


主站蜘蛛池模板: 望谟县| 东明县| 离岛区| 册亨县| 康保县| 马山县| 周至县| 日喀则市| 东宁县| 濉溪县| 赤城县| 九江县| 吉水县| 安龙县| 龙胜| 镇原县| 平武县| 屏南县| 汽车| 息烽县| 永兴县| 扶沟县| 壤塘县| 长治市| 徐汇区| 雷波县| 沂源县| 长治县| 门头沟区| 临沧市| 远安县| 塔河县| 那坡县| 加查县| 阜城县| 阜宁县| 安达市| 甘肃省| 吉林省| 民权县| 清丰县|