
[來源:www.fdrlp.com] [作者:網站建設] [日期:19-04-29] [瀏覽次數:]

Attention Problems in Website Making
1. No keyword analysis
If the keywords are not properly analyzed, many problems will arise, including unclear direction, unreasonable keyword allocation, poor ranking effect, low ROI, etc., so we must first analyze the keywords.
2. Lack of import links
Many website optimization problems exist, check it is not difficult to find, many are due to the lack of import links. In the internet, the relationship between web pages and web pages is established by links. If there is no link between the web site and the outside world, there will be no link, then it will become an island website, and search engines can not know the existence of the website.
3. Collect a large number of articles
搜索引擎不會給予互聯網中高度重復的文章好的排名的,網站上如果包含大量的采集文章的話,對網站是會有一定的負面影響的。網站建好后,如果沒有或者只 有很少的原創的實質內容的話,會給用戶帶來了不良的瀏覽體驗,也會給搜索引擎留下了不好的印象,為搜索引擎優化帶來困難。
Search engines will not rank highly repetitive articles on the Internet. If there are a large number of articles collected on the website, it will have a certain negative impact on the website. After the website is built, if there is no or very little original content, it will bring users a bad browsing experience, also leave a bad impression on search engines, and bring difficulties to search engine optimization.
4. Pursuing the Beauty of Website
有些網站一味追求美感:大氣、好看、美觀,其實對網站來說,這些都不是必需的。用戶喜歡簡潔明了的頁面,這樣才能帶來良好的視覺體驗。不要使用大量的 圖片和太多的flash,這會造成頁面體積過大、頁面加載速度慢,大大降低使網站的實用性,也不要再導航上使用圖片作鏈接,這會導致搜索引擎識別網站結構 時有困難。
Some websites blindly pursue aesthetics: atmosphere, good-looking, beautiful, in fact, for the website, these are not necessary. Users like concise and clear pages, so as to bring good visual experience. Don't use too many pictures and flash, which will result in too large page size, slow page loading speed, greatly reduce the practicability of the website, and do not use pictures as links in navigation, which will make it difficult for search engines to identify the structure of the website.
5. Frequently changing the title of the page
Search engines rely on title tags for word segmentation and indexing, which is the core of search engine ranking in the initial stage. Although technically, there has been a rapid development, the dependence on title is still a key point to improve user experience. If you change title, search engines will treat it as cheating, so when you change title, you must. Be careful.
6. Direct replication of websites
In order to save money and effort, many people directly grasp the beard and nose when building a website, and use the existing website program DEDEDEhome template directly. This way, the new station will be very similar to the previous station, which will make it difficult for the new station to get a good ranking, and the old station will also be affected.


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