
[來源:www.fdrlp.com] [作者:網站建設] [日期:17-02-15] [瀏覽次數:]
1頁面豐富簡潔 Rich concise 1 page     H5技術實現的網站也即是常說的響應式設計,改善了頁面多媒體元素的使用問題,之前建站頁面主張減少動畫、視頻等的使用,由于所占的網站資源空間多,導致頁面加載速度慢的情況,但如今使用H5建站,不僅可以大膽使用這些元素,且無需擔心瀏覽不順暢的問題,同時讓頁面顯得更加豐富,又能保證其整潔性。  H5 technology website that is often said that the response of the type design, improve the page on the use of multimedia elements, web page before advocated to reduce the use of animation, video, etc, due to the site of the resources space, causes the page loading speed is slow, but now the use of H5 site, not only can bold use of these elements, without having to worry about browsing is not smooth, make the page look more rich at the same time, and to ensure the neatness of the sex.   2有利于網站優化 2 for website optimization     一個網站若不能很好的利用互聯網資源,那么建站的價值就已不復存在,其中搜索引擎這個大平臺就是資源利用的一個好渠道,由此網站必然少不了優化。H5技術所使用的代碼程序相對于舊時的編程來說要簡潔得多,且運用多媒體的情況下,對搜索引擎的爬取也是非常友好的,因此網站優化起來更加輕松。 If a web site can't very good use of Internet resources, then the value of the site are no longer exists, this big platform which search engine is a good channel of using of resource, the website must not optimized. H5 technology used by the program compared with the old code programming is much more concise, and under the condition of using multimedia, to the search engine crawl is also very friendly, and the site optimization up easier.


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