
[來源:www.fdrlp.com] [作者:網站建設] [日期:17-02-12] [瀏覽次數:]
我們都知道網頁設計每個網站的靈魂所在,好的網站建站公司最為關注的就是網站設計,頁面設計的是否能夠吸引人,和網站布局設計的是否合理能夠滿足用戶的瀏覽習慣,網頁設計是否考慮到了搜索引擎的優化的問題等等這些都是應該注意的問題,今天我們沙漠風是最有發言權的因為我們在網站建設中網頁設計的能力是非常優秀的得到很多用戶的好評。我們就簡單的總結幾點我們在網頁設計中的幾個小技巧希望能夠幫助到家。 We all know that the soul of the web design for each site, a good web site of the Chinese company is web design, page design whether can attract people, and reasonable layout design can satisfy the users' browsing habits, web design is considered search engine optimization problem, etc. These are all should pay attention to the problem, today we desert wind is the best say because we are in the website construction of the ability of web design is very good many users get the praise. We are brief summaries of what time we are in a few skills in web design home hope to be able to help. 時間把控:4秒的時間我們在設計首頁時盡可能的簡化,并加速打開網站的速度,在整個internet中日均頁面訪問只有4秒。這就意味著你沒有足夠的時間來讓瀏覽者加深對網站的印象和互動。你要盡可能精確的來說明你這個網站最主要的功能是什么。如果一個網站打開的時間超過了瀏覽者等待的時間,那么瀏覽者將會失去興趣,最終的結果是瀏覽者去別的網站。 Time control: 4 seconds when we in the design of the home page of simplified as far as possible, and speed up open the website, only 4 seconds per page in the Internet access. This means that you don't have enough time to leave a deeper impression of website visitors and interaction. You want as precisely as possible to show you what is the most main function of this website. If a website open longer than the visitor waiting time, the visitor will lose interest, the end result is your visitors to other sites.


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