
[來源:www.fdrlp.com] [作者:網站建設] [日期:17-09-12] [瀏覽次數:]

Network promotion is to promote the information that needs to be displayed through the means and channels of the network. Network marketing is not only to promote out, but also bring effect, bring about transformation. The main differences between the two are reflected in the following two points:
1, network promotion: focus on the promotion of two words, literally it extended the meaning of the word is: two as far as possible to let more people know the product, as long as let others know of this product, the promotion purpose is achieved, the promotion is a success. Often less investment in the promotion of the network, from the human side, a person can also operate. Network promotion is the key to the success of the implementation of the force, such as change links, which is a very basic promotion.
2, network marketing: focus on marketing two words, and we do marketing purpose is not just like promotion, so that people know the product is ok. The most important thing is to produce actual economic benefits. Measuring marketing is often done by seeing how many products or services are sold. And usually network marketing investment is relatively large, nor is it a person can do, need teamwork.
Network marketing focuses on the marketing level, and more attention to the actual economic benefits after network marketing. And network promotion focuses on promotion, more attention is to promote the enterprise to bring the site traffic, world rankings, visits, registration and so on, the purpose is to expand the promotion of the object of visibility and influence. It can be said that network marketing must include network promotion this step, and network promotion is the core work of network marketing. Another confusing concept is website promotion. Website promotion is a very important part of network promotion, because the website is the main part of the network. Therefore, many network promotion includes website promotion. Of course, the network promotion also carries on the non website promotion, for example line product, company and so on. These two concepts are confusing because of Internet marketing activities throughout the life cycle of the site, from site planning, construction, promotion, feedback and a series of links in the website are involved in network marketing activities.


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