
[來(lái)源:www.fdrlp.com] [作者:網(wǎng)站建設(shè)] [日期:17-09-04] [瀏覽次數(shù):]

The site will ignore many elements from its production to real operations. This will affect the overall expected effect of the website, and the key point is the customer when making and optimizing the site. So let's talk about some of the things that need to be emphasized in website production today, to avoid ignoring important details and elements.


First, the location of the site


Many customers who want to make websites are often ridiculous and have no direction. Just want to raise enterprise popularity, brand and propaganda. But if your site doesn't have a clear location, how do you show the site's "focus"? How do you get users to find you later? To make your site famous, you need to have a clear definition of what your site will be like in the future. Ability to lay the foundation for the future.


Second, user experience is poor, communication is little


The user is our food and clothing parents, "care" good user, ability will let your enterprise website get bigger development. It's time to understand who the site is for. When making your website, you should pay more attention to the user experience. Users will be willing to browse your website and bring users and traffic to your website. It can also improve user experience by interacting with users and communicating with users.


The third is to imitate less than the Lord


A lot of people lack the main idea, always feel other people's website is good, want to be like others. Small make up just want to say, that is somebody else's home, oneself should have own characteristic and attribute. The search engine won't like your "disguise" if it's just being trodden under foot by someone else. Therefore, when making the website, it should show its own characteristics and make users like your website more.


Fourth, ignore search engine algorithm


Many people like pretty things, and so do websites. But please don't ignore the search engine algorithm, if only focus on good, will be web design, Flash, pictures, affect the speed of the user to open the web site, this will allow the user to close the page directly, not to retain users. And Flash takes up too much space, and the search engine is not very friendly to Flash. It will be very difficult to optimize the website.


Fifth, there is no continuous content update


After many websites are finished, they are gone, and the site is not updated, so it is a "no master station". Do you ignore such a site, and will it give you a user? The site is not updated with continuous content, and your website "poor" search engine won't go. So your site will not have rankings, traffic, or advice and orders. Therefore, it is necessary to update the continuous content, especially the original content.


Sixth, the website promotion execution is insufficient


After the website is finished, there will be no initiative to find you, you need to run your website, carry out related promotion. Before you can show it to a larger user, you can let people know that your site exists. In good things, if no one knows, it will only be a decoration. Therefore, the late website promotion is necessary, and needs to be promoted continuously. In this way, we can improve the visibility, brand and consultation quantity of enterprises.


If you want to belong to your company's web site, be sure to consider good, you need to achieve what kind of to web sites, and the goal for every link, is likely to achieve your goals. Instead of blindly making the site, the production is finished and not utilized.


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