
[來源:www.fdrlp.com] [作者:網站建設] [日期:17-02-16] [瀏覽次數:]

Soft wen promotion, to publish the article to the related websites. Then wrote a few articles, and soon release to webmaster nets, master station, red BBS and some other website, design related website and BBS. Need you to note is that my blog for user group is the webmaster and web designer's blog, so will be released to the web site, but I hope you for your user group published to the related website, don't digress. The next day there are many websites from these websites, collected my essay. Then the effect is a lot of friends said lu song song, you're everywhere.
4: submit your site to station, station directory. Submit your site to everyone said high weight station site, I also according to this method, but the effect is not obvious, and it is difficult to be collected, so I changed idea, my blog a lot of submit sites to the small station, station. This reason is that will soon be included and can also directly relates to the site's webmaster. Submit these small don't bring you what site traffic, but it can let you get to know a lot of stationmaster. After my blog weight again submitted to some big station, it is easy to be collected. 5: hit the nail on the head of the comments.
6: to release their own works to share online for free. Before not use blog as independent website, I would have done nearly works, tools, and design a website. Site work, so using previously done free issue to each big web site on the BBS, free condition is that I joined my blog link. Through these works link to my blog also received a lot of traffic.


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